
Where Science Meets Muse

4 Habits to Enhance Memory as We Age

Posted by Plish on April 11, 2024

As we age, it’s common to experience those frustrating moments of forgetfulness.

Neuroscience professor, Charan Ranganath of UC – Davis  gives four key habits to sharpen your memory:

1. Focus: Ditch multitasking. Concentrate on one task at a time to bolster memory strength.
Dedicate specific times for tasks and sprinkle in breaks to recharge—meditation, a stroll, or daydreaming can do wonders.

2. Sleep Well: Prioritize quality sleep. It’s essential for clearing brain waste and cementing memories.To enhance your sleep, limit screens, heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bed. And if you’re struggling with snoring, consider getting checked for sleep apnea.

3. Seek Novelty: Break the monotony. Novelty  keeps the brain nimble. Go for a walk, meet new people, and seek new experiences. These will become the building blocks of vivid, lasting memories.

4. Overconfidence in our memory can lead to disappointment. Accept that memorization is hard, and give yourself permission to get it wrong before you get it right. Test yourself repeatedly over time to strengthen recall of info you need.

These four insights remind us that memory isn’t just about holding onto the past—it’s about empowering our present and future. By understanding and nurturing our brain’s needs, we can maintain a sharp, reliable memory well into our later years.

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