
Where Science Meets Muse

Posts Tagged ‘anti-fragility’

Innovating for Winds of Unseen Storms- Lessons from Trees

Posted by Plish on May 22, 2024

Businesses share a lot in common with trees. They grow and flourish with an influx of energy, they look beautiful, bearing fruit and spreading their branches. They face powerful winds in the market, year after year becoming a mighty presence, until..



This Maple tree branch has faced winds stronger than this, but from different directions. There weren’t any telltale signs of failure , in fact there were abundant seeds coming from the seemingly healthy branch.

However, there was something about how the tree grew and how it responded to past storms that actually made it vulnerable to the windstorm last night. When certain branches grow thick and regimented, they don’t bend – they break- and leave a mess for others to clean.

Innovation isn’t just about numbers. It’s about resiliency and anti-fragility. Innovation is about flexibility and growth and having the ability to continue growing no matter where challenging winds come from.

Is there a wind that you aren’t prepared for?

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